Sunday, July 10, 2022

Jesus is the answer

Wordle game

Maybe Wordle is past its peak popularity, but there are still 100,000 daily players. The object of this online game is to pick letters to guess a five-letter word. There is one word every day - the same word for everyone. Players can share colour-coded graphical summaries of their guesses but the key point of Wordle etiquette is: don't give away the answer!

In real life, as in Wordle, everyone is searching for the answer. Politically speaking, Britain has now decided the answer isn't BORIS. Other global leaders overshadow daily circumstances, including PUTIN and BIDEN. Tragically, every politician is flawed ... indeed every human is flawed. The answer is not found in powerful people.

There is a tired triad of intangible goals that promise to have the answer: MONEY, POWER, AMOUR. However like the tantalizing pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, these objectives can never be realized. Trangically, every earth-bound ambition is empty. The answer is not found in attractive things.

So, what is the answer to our existence? How can we find someone to save us and something to fulfil us? JESUS is the answer! Listen to the words of Peter, one of Jesus' closest friends: In no one else can salvation be found. For in all the world no other name has been given to men but this, and it is by this name that we must be saved! (Acts 4:12, JBP)

Does it seem banal to recommend JESUS as the answer? After all, if a solution has been available for two thousand years, why are there still so many difficulties in our world? The Christian reply is that we all, individually, need JESUS as our personal answer to life's problem.